Saturday, April 21, 2012

Databases currently unavailable - resolved

Lexi-Comp access has been restored 4/22
ISI Web of Science/Journal Citation Reports access restored 4/23
Natural Standard access restored 4/23
EMBASE access restored 4/23
Clinical Evidence access restored 4/24
McGraw-Hill E-Book Library - access restored 4/24
Micromedex - access restored 4/24

The following databases are currently unavailable due to an IP address change;

Clinical Evidence - access restored 4/24
Embase - access restored 4/23
ISI Web of Science/Journal Citation Reports- access restored 4/23
Lexi-Comp- access restored 4/22
McGraw-Hill E-Book Library - access restored 4/24
Micromedex - access restored 4/24
Natural Standard - access restored 4/23

All vendors have been contacted and we hope to have the issue resolved soon. We apologize for the inconvenience.